Human Connections

The Advocate identified Human Connections as a priority for her office in her 2020/21 Statement of Intent. Building on the mental health priority project, the Human Connections campaign takes a place-based approach to identify opportunities to increase social connections across Latrobe and build on existing relationships, social networks and work occurring with local community groups and through funded services.

The Human Connections in Latrobe Project is a collaborative campaign between agencies operating within the Latrobe Health Innovation Zone and takes a place-based approach to identify opportunities to increase social connections and community participation across Latrobe. 

The Latrobe Health Advocate, Latrobe Health Assembly, Latrobe City Council, Latrobe Valley Authority and Department of Families, Fairness and Housing have partnered to work together and independently on various initiatives with the shared aim of improving community connections, social participation and mental wellbeing outcomes.

Our partners for this project include:

Latrobe Valley Authority
Latrobe Health Assembly
Department of Health and Human Services